Resources/Recommended Reading

stack of books





Interpersonal Neurobiology/Body Psychotherapies/Bodywork

Van Der Kolk, Bessel, The body keeps the score: Brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma

Siegel, Daniel, The developing mind

Porges, Stephen, The polyvagal theory: Neurophysiological foundations of emotions, attachment, communication and self regulation

Conrad, Emile, Life On Land: The story of continuum

Heller, Lawrence & LaPierre, Aline, Healing development trauma: How early trauma affects self regulation, self identity and the capacity for relationships

Levine, Peter, Waking the tiger

Levine, Peter, In an unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Ben Shahar, Assar Rolef, Healing The Relational Edge

Scurlock-Durana, Suzanne, Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom

Ogden, Pat, Trauma and The Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy

Mate, Gabor, When the body says no

Scaer, Robert, The body bears the burden

Solomon, Marion & Siegel, Daniel, Healing trauma

Fosha, Diane, Siegel, Daniel & Solomon, Marion, The healing power of emotion

Gintis, Bonnie, Engaging the movement of life


Healing Couple Relationships

Tatkin, Stan, Wired for love: How understanding your partner’s brain and attachment style can help you diffuse conflict and build a secure relationship

Solomon, Marion & Tatkin, Stan, Love and war in intimate relationships: Disconnection and mutual regulation in couple therapy

Perel, Esther, Mating in captivity: Unlocking erotic intelligence

Masters, Robert Augustus, Emotional intimacy

Masters, Robert Augustus, Transforming through intimacy

Hellinger, Bert, Supporting Love


Parenting/ Family Systems

Siegel, Daniel, Parenting From The Inside Out

Pearce, Joseph Chilton, Magical child

Aldort, Naomi, Raising our children, raising ourselves

Levine, Peter & Klein, Maggie, Trauma through a child’s eyes

Mate, Gabor, Scattered (about ADHD)

Mate, Gabor, In the realm of hungry ghosts (Addiction)

Wolynn, Mark, It didn’t start with you

Mackay, Nicki, Between the lines

Preiss, Indra Torsten, Family constellations revealed